My feed would probably contain music applications as well as video. I would also like to have some audio books and if able i would like some actual books that i can read. Also a given, i must have some kind of email or chat app. And finally I would like internet of course.
-What does this say about me and how does this define American culture and identity?
I guess about me it simply says I really hate being bored. But about American societ it is saying how truly technology dependent we are. We are a land of music, of books, of internet (we're not really that into books).
-What are the social implications of technology use, comsumerism or anti-consumerism?Are these good, bad? Is it okay to resist?
The social implications of technology use is apparent if you just take a look around you. We are in a land ruled by technology. I mean, this assignment itself depends on your accessability to technology. Schools are ranked "the best" if they have the most advanced stuff. And in terms of everday we must rely on technology to live. Hospitals, police officers, for an efficient country in this time technology is essential. In the case of consumerism and anti-consumerism it is one of those "too much of a good thing" deals. There is no real bad thing about consumerism or about anti-consumerism. And of course its okay to resist, we live in the land of freedom *cough cough*.
-How does media, consumerism, reliance on technology, and/or popular culture presonally affect you? Do they mold us or us them?
If you really want to know I am kind of like Violet. I try to resist the media, consumerism, and pop culture. But really I think it is impossible to do. We were born into a world of media, consumerism, and pop culture. This isn't a habit or an addiction. It is brainwash or hardwired into our minds. Simply its inescapable.
-How does it impact me?
I am defined by my resistance to it and you can guess my life is impacted everyday by this stuff as I try to escape it. It simply says I understand. What it means to be an individual and what it means to be a consumer. And that I have made my choice.
-Is there a moral to the story?
Yes. It is a story of materialism, a story of a country that has fallen so far. It is a fortelling of our futures if things keep going on as they have. A future of manufactured clouds and lesions.
-Are people in the stroy anything but the feed?
In a strange way people are hosts and the feeds are parasites ( Haha, that makes sense) The feeds can't do anything without the people. And the feeds are not taking over the people's minds. It is just constantly nudging them to make life easier for the corporations.
Everything must go is a call to arms. The stupidity, the destruction, the lies, the large companies. They must go. It is a plea for help. To win the war of self against the world.
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